About us
The Community Counseling Center of National Pingtung University was established in February of 2013. Although mental health issues continue to be of primary importance, local mental health services and resources in Pingtung area are inadequate. Especially as the elderly and other social vulnerable groups continue to grow locally, Pingtung requires more resources. In order to fix the problems, including a lack of counselors and professional mental health resources in southern Taiwan, our school established this center to provide mental health promotion and counseling services for the local community. Moreover, this can lead to the expansion and growth of the professions of community counseling and social work.
Our team reaches the community by preventive and educational programs. Also, we refer and build cooperation between local and national services, and public and private social welfare sectors, in order to reduce mental health problems.
(1)Promote and raise psychological health of the community
(2)Provide counseling services for the community
(3)Provide consultation services for the community
(4)Provide counseling and consultations for schools
(5)Hold community services and parental education conferences and seminars
(6)Hold workshops on gender equity, career development, stress prevention, family relations, parent-child communication, emotion management and self-exploration issues.
(7)Provide training and supervision for professional counselors and psychologists
(8)Hold professional seminars and continuing education courses
(9)Conduct research on community psychological topics
3、Contact us
Licensing No.: 9A43010205
Address: 2nd Floor, No. 7, Linsheng Rd., Pingtung City 900, Taiwan(R.O.C)
Service time: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 17:30 pm (break time 12:00 pm-13:30pm)
Wednesday 8:30 am to 21:00 pm (break time 12:00 pm-13:30pm)
Tel: (08)7213448; (08)7213446
Website: counsel-c.nptu.edu.tw
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nptucc